Bohlevale State School is committed to implementing highly engaging learning in whole group and small group interventions. Our school has purchased iPads for use in classes through this initiative.
We are dedicated to improving our literacy and numeracy outcomes for all students. Our school recognises that Information Communication Technologies have an increasing recognition as an important engagement and learning tool for students. Trials throughout Queensland schools have determined the iPad to be an overwhelmingly effective tool to assist students with learning difficulties and/ or those requiring support.
We currently have more than 100 iPads available for student use. These iPads are managed and shared throughout the school in such a way that students will have frequent opportunities to have 1:1 (student:device) experiences.In an effort to maximise student engagement and reduce barriers to learning, iPads will be available for classroom use and will be utilised by members of our learning support team.
The iPads have been well received by students and teachers. We are excited to be able to offer such valuable and engaging learning experiences to our students. There are many benefits of using the iPad as a learning tool. Some of which include: