
Bring Your Own Device


Bohlevale State School run a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) laptop program for students in Years 4, 5 and 6. The program is voluntary. Parents/carers and their student who nominate to participate in the BYOD program will be required to attend a compulsory information evening early in Term 4 and a start-up meeting early the following year in Term 1 to sign a charter acknowledging the responsibilities and expectations of the program.

What is it?

BYOD stands for Bring Your Own Device. It refers to a portable electronic device, in this case, a laptop, which will be used to assist teaching and learning in a number of ways.

These include:

  • Note-taking
  • Processing information
  • Accessing information
  •  Being creative
  • Communication

BYOD encourages student learning through co-operative inquiry processes, can produce instant information and will promote deep, creative and lateral learning. Students can work at their own pace. The teacher can be a facilitator of this learning.

How will it work?

Due to class size restrictions, students may not necessarily be in a ‘laptop class’. They may be in a class where students without laptops are accessing school purchased devices when required. School purchased devices cannot be taken home and are shared with all students across the cohort. Privately owned devices are never shared and can be taken home everyday and on weekends and holidays.

The school has the wireless and fast NBN environment to support this initiative and there will be no cost for access to this. Students will have Microsoft Office Student Edition and Adobe Acrobat installed free of charge on their laptops at the beginning of the school year. They will save work to their laptop and be able to access this material at home.

The school will provide staff who are passionate about, and competent in the use of ICT devices to ensure enhancement of student learning. Students will access the same curriculum units as their peers without a BYOD laptop.

The laptops will be used wherever possible, in a wide range of ways to support learning.

Student commitment

Students will be required to be in full and regular attendance and demonstrate a productive attitude to learning.

All students must adhere to the conditions of the department’s Acceptable Use of Technology Agreement. The agreement is included as part of every enrolment form. A Student Charter is also required to be signed by every student who participates in the BYOD program.

Misuse of the internet or other inappropriate behaviour will be investigated and consequences applied as per the ‘Responsible Behaviour Plan’ for students. Students are responsible for the security and upkeep of their device. The school will provide short term security options during breaks.

Last reviewed 23 January 2020
Last updated 23 January 2020