Bohlevale State School have four sports houses, the sports houses are named after local waterways and wildlife.

Bohlevale State School participates in a wide variety of sporting endeavours through Intra and Inter School sport and also offers an Active-After School Communities Sporting Program which is granted through the Australian Sports Commission on a termly basis.
Bohlevale State School runs a unique sporting program known as the Athlete Development Program (ADP). Bohlevale State School ensures students with high sporting abilities are provided the opportunity to represent at higher levels; Thuringowa, North Queensland and Queensland.
Sporting Carnivals
Bohlevale State School have 3 major sporting carnivals throughout the year. At each carnival trophies are awarded to the winning teams, with individual overall winners recognised with Age Champion Medallions. Athletics records [times and distances] have been recorded since 2003. Swimming records have been recorded since 2010.
Swimming Carnival – Term One*
Fun Run/Walk Challenge (Cross Country) – Term Two*
Athletics Carnival – Term 2*
*these dates may change in response to weather or at the discretion of the Principal
From these carnivals, students are selected to represent Bohlevale State School at the Inter-School Swimming, Cross Country and Athletics (Red Track) carnivals. At these carnivals students have the opportunity to gain higher representation in the sporting arena.
Students who wish to get into the spirit of the House team can purchase Sports Shirts and Sports Hats from the School tuckshop between 8.00am and 1.30pm daily.
Year 4-6 Electives
The school runs elective programs for students in Years 4 to 6 on Friday afternoons starting in Term 1,Week 7.
Athlete Development Program (ADP)
The Bohlevale Athlete Development Program (ADP) is committed to providing students with the opportunity to achieve excellence in all aspects of school and community life. The program will offer outstanding athletes (students) an opportunity to develop their sporting skills alongside their academic achievements in a supportive school environment.
This program aims to actively promote and enhance sport in the school. The program is offered to Years 4, 5 and 6 students, focusing on the importance of providing students with learning experiences that allow them to pursue sporting excellence.
The Athlete Development Program is about improving specific and general athlete physical attributes as well as promoting fitness and sport as a healthy activity. Each student participates in a 60 minute lesson each week on a Friday afternoon between 1.00pm and 2.30pm. Students actively take part in physical activities developing and practicing skills that will focus on their own personal abilities such as ball skills, speed, power, co-ordination, agility, flexibility, endurance, fast foot work as examples. Each week students work hard to become the 'Athlete of the Day', this award is given to the student who pushes themselves to strive for success and set the standard with Attitude, Discipline and Pride.
Throughout the year students in the Athlete Development Program take part in a series of sporting challenges at the school in year levels and genders to determine who Bohle’s Greatest Athletes are. The challenges are skilled base from a number of different sports so that the students have to show ability at a high level across a number of sporting fields to win the challenge.
Selection Criteria
Each student has to be invited to be a part of the program by the Program Director (HPE Specialist Teacher) with the approval of the Principal and Deputy Principal based on the Selection Criteria.
Students who do not receive an invitation at the end of the previous school year will need to wait for a space to occur, and meet the selection criteria as outlined in the current year.
Year 4 and 5 Students must meet the following criteria listed below; fitness tests will be conducted by the program director if needed;
Selected in one or more school sport/s at inter school level or above.
Fitness test results in the top 5% of students in their year level.
Class teacher reports that the student has a good work ethic and commitment.
Principal approves their position.
Year 6 Students must meet the following criteria listed below.
Selected in 2 or more of the Inter School Teams, or
Selected in 2 Thuringowa District School Sports Teams or
Selected in 1 Northern Regional School Sports Team
Class teacher reports that the student has a good work ethic and commitment.
Principal approves their position.
Active-After-School Communities Program
Bohlevale State School students have the opportunity to get active as part of the Australian Sports Commission’s (ASC) Active After-School Communities (AASC) program.
Bohlevale State School runs Active-After School Sport programs during each term for a 7 week period, starting in week 2 and concluding in week 8 on a Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday afternoon unless otherwise communicated.
The sessions are conducted at Bohlevale State School Community Centre (Sports Hall) from 2.45pm to 3.45pm. A light afternoon healthy snack is provided from 2.30pm to 2.45pm and students must have suitable arrangements to get home after the sessions are finished – either walk, or ride home or be collected by parents and/or guardians.
Bohlevale State School is using the AASC program to encourage students to increase their physical activity levels and improve skills in a fun, safe and inclusive environment. The AASC program provides quality and structured physical activity, including sport, after school. The diverse range of activities being delivered at Bohlevale State School should be appealing to the children and if you have a child interested please ask them to see our Physical Education Specialist Teacher for an application form.
There is no cost to be a part of the program but spaces are limited to only 25 students for each afternoon.
Sporting Awards
Bohlevale State School has a range of Sporting Awards on offer throughout the year:
Prep-Year 2 Physical Education Class of the week
Year 3 – 6 Physical Education Class of the week
ADP Athlete of the Day
ADP Bohle’s Greatest Athletes
Age Champions at each sporting Carnival for 9–13 year olds
Sports Star of the Year