
Parent teacher communication


Communication and Parent-School Partnerships

The importance of parents and teachers working together is strongly supported throughout the school. It is well recognised that when parents express confidence in the school and are involved with it in some way, the children are likely to be happier and more successful at school. If children see their parents and teachers modelling productive interactions, they will follow the example.

Clear communication is very important. Children, despite the best of intentions, can ‘mix-up’ a message in translation. Many difficulties can be avoided and misconceptions resolved if parents contact the school when confusion exists.

Contact with teachers is important, however, teachers are not able to attend to telephone calls or meetings with parents during learning time. Therefore a short note may be an effective way to clarify issues with a teacher.

If a meeting is required with a teacher, a time may be arranged through the school office. Any queries or complaints about any aspect of our school’s functioning should be referred to the school office as soon as possible. School staff will then arrange a time to resolve the issue.

'Meet and Greet' gatherings are arranged early in the year to give parents and teachers a chance to get to know each other. Parent-Teacher-Student Meetings are held at the end of Terms 1 and 3 and will be advertised online and in the newsletter. Report Cards are issued at the end of Terms 2 and 4 and parent are welcome to make appointments to speak to classroom teachers at this time.

Regular communications of classroom events will ensure that this relationship is strengthened. Teachers will phone parents directly whenever communication is needed. Parent information sessions about how best to support teaching and learning will be advertised in LINKS (the school newsletter) and scheduled according to the response.


A mobile App for the school to communicate directly to both parents and students. It works through both smart phones and smart devices (such as IPads and Android Tablets). To install the App type Bohlevale State School in the search area and install. Make sure that you select 'OK' to accept notifications. More information about installing the Skoolbag App can be found here: Skoolbag app


Communication through the school newsletter and Skoolbag APP will continue to remain an important component of the information sharing between Bohlevale State School and parents/carers. However, we believe a social media presence will enhance our ability to communicate with parent/carers and the wider community.

There are also media consent forms that will need to be signed by parents/carers. The Department of Education and Training requires parent/carer consent to use a student’s image or name prior to ‘posting’ any information regarding a student.

We encourage all parents and carers, as well as friends of the Bohlevale community to ‘Like’ our Facebook page.


Last reviewed 11 November 2019
Last updated 11 November 2019