Defence School Mentor Program
Bohlevale State School has a Defence School Mentor (DSM) to support those students whose parents are in the Australian Defence Force.
Bohlevale State School in conjunction with the Australian Defence Force recognises that some children of ADF parents may experience some disruption to both the academic and social aspects of their schooling each time they move. The different structures of the education systems between Australian states and territories can result in learning gaps. DSMs support the smooth transition of mobile ADF dependents from school to school and across curriculum jurisdictions upon ADF relocations or postings. The DSM is a school-based position which focuses on practical support integrated into the classroom, school and school community.
Some activities performed by DSMs include:
· being a point of contact for parents of new ADF children in the school
· coordinating appropriate welcome and farewell activities
· introducing ADF parents and children to the school and its facilities
· supporting individual children during parental absences
· providing opportunities for ADF families to meet other ADF families
· enhancing the relationship between the school and their Defence community
Students at Bohlevale State School are offered the Kids Club program. This is a highly valued lunchtime program, where defence students can meet with other students who experience a similar lifestyle.